urate oxidase

n.  尿酸氧化酶



  1. Curative effect and administering time of urate oxidase in treating AMI
  2. Most prokaryote and eukaryote have intact urate oxidase gene ( wo) that produces urate oxidase activity and excretes allantoin as the end product of purine metabolism.
  3. Expression and purification of urate oxidase and identification of its bioactive type
  4. Since the urate oxidase in human body does not have activity, the current clinical application of urate oxidase is mainly rooted from Aspergillus flavus. Since it is a foreign protein with immunogenicity, clinical application is greatly limited.
  5. Urate oxidase has been found in the body of many species, while birds and some higher primates ( eg apes and humans) lack functional urate oxidase in vivo and excrete uric acid as the end product of purine metabolism.
  6. Studies have shown that urate oxidase can far superior in reducing uric acid levels than other drugs in scale and speed.
  7. It has been reported that the urate oxidase with PEG-modified can reduce its immunogenicity, but enzyme activity has decreased greatly after PEG modified.